We partner with local jurisdictions and companies in the Bay Area to advance affordable housing goals via equitable program design and management.


homeownership | rental | workforce housing

Rise Housing Solutions is pleased to be managing the following Below Market Rate (BMR) Housing Programs. The BMR Programs include affordable homes for sale and for rent. Opportunities periodically arise to purchase BMR homes, either by current homeowners selling their home or by sales of new BMR homes that are created through each city’s unique inclusionary housing programs. These programs require developers provide deed-restricted affordable housing in their projects. We are also a resource for existing BMR homeowners to provide education about the BMR program and to assist in refinancing.

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Affordable housing sustains communities.

Affordable housing opportunities in the Bay Area often fall short of meeting the true needs in our communities, and programs are inherently complex. Rise Housing Solutions strives to address these issues by:

• raising awareness of housing opportunities;

• transparently and equitably offering limited housing opportunities to the public;

• simplifying complicated programs for people entering into and participating in programs year in and year out.